This is an exclusive to the PSP release and nearly doubles the amount of single player content. Once, you done enough in LA, you’ll be invited to Tokyo, opening up a brand new city for you to race around in, along with new cars.
Thanks to the free roaming aspect of the city, any two races are almost never the same as you take several possible routes and there are short cuts everywhere. You’ll start off with simple start to finish races, but quickly you’ll have races with multiple laps, a red light race where you can take any path you want, time trials, delivery missions, missions where you need to bang another car into submission, races with dozens of check points that you can visit in any order, and more. What makes career work is the sheer number of challenges and the variety of the race types. (There’s a lot of in game advertising here, be warned.) You’ll have to hunt them down and flash your headlights before racing them to the starting point of the actual race. You’ll also get challenges from other racers by means of you T-Mobile Sidekick. With career mode, you’ll cruise around the streets looking for pillars of smoke that signal a race. You’ll start out with LA career and Arcade mode. You’ll buy new cars and meet tough opponents all with the goal of making a ton of money and earning the rep that goes with it until you get invited to go to Tokyo to join the Midnight Club. After you buy your first car, you head to the streets and work your way up the ladder of success. You’re an out of towner who’s come to LA for, (what else?) to race cars. There is actually some semblance of a story to this, but it mainly serves as an excuse for the action and for the games voice acting. So I strapped my seat belt tight and entered the gritty streets of LA with an open mind. Still, I’ll play anything once and Rockstar has a high pedigree on the PSP after the huge GTA games they released early on. (Not counting games like Mario Kart and Wipeout which feature combat, I only have two racing games out of nearly 250 games I own!) I don’t hate them or anything, but I’ve never gotten the point of them and rarely find a racing game I can sink my teeth into.

As it was, when Midnight Club LA Remix showed up in my mail box, I was weary.

At the very least, I’m revisiting genres I’d long ago decided weren’t for me. One thing I love about writing for DHGF is that it is forcing me to go outside of my normal boundaries and try things I’ve never played before.